Taptot 1.3.2 [免費版]


Why should we pay for used items? Is there an easier way to share things to friends and family? Is there a fast and simple way to donate unneeded items?
Taptot is built to be the easiest platform to share resources. There is no need to make an offer, no need to negotiate prices, nor bid for an item that you want. Just Take
it. Period.
Taptot is a social-resource sharing app based on the fundamental human behavior of giving and taking. At Taptot, we believe in the act of giving. We enable giving and
sharing on a social network platform to reduce wastage and enhance social connectivity. We have removed most of the hassles in giving, so what is left is just the joy of
giving and receiving!
Taptot is quite unique because:
• vs other social media platforms: Instead of just sharing pictures and stories, Taptot allows users to share tangible goods with friends, family and other users in the
Taptot social network. Yes, users can actually receive what a friend shared, whether it’s a dessert that one wants to taste, or an item that one would like to own.
• vs other shopping Apps: Everything posted on Taptot’s give-and-take platform is free. So, no more price negotiations, no need to make an offer, no need to bid for an
item. Just simply take what you want!
• vs other sharing platforms: shipping is made easy! Ship something to someone instantly with a few quick taps. Shipping through Taptot is so easy that you don’t even need
to know the address that you are sending to if using our shippers.
Join us now to start building your sharing network. Tap to give, tap to take, Taptot offers a new way for the world to share!


Free Download 二維碼下載
  • 軟體名稱: Taptot
  • 軟體分類: 社交
  • APK名稱: com.yoger.taptot
  • 最新版本: 1.3.2
  • 支持ROM: 4.2及更高版本
  • 軟體大小 : 28.11 MB
  • 更新日期: 2018-06-04